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Notation based on specific commercial transactions


Perla & Co. Limited

Postal code


E1 2HF

5 Halcrow Street

London, United Kingdom

Explanation of charges other than the product price

Please refer to the Delivery and Refunds page for shipping costs.

If customs duty is incurred, the purchaser will be responsible for it.

Delivery time

We will ship by the specified shipping method within 7 days of ordering. We are not responsible for delays due to delivery company reasons after shipping, or unavoidable delays due to weather or accidents.

Payment method

Credit card, debit card, PayPal

phone number

+44 20 3730 8635


09:00 - 17:00 イギリス時間

17:00 - 02:00 日本時間

​Email address

Return deadline: Items contacted within 7 days of the arrival of the item. (In case of damage or defective product, please contact us with a photo etc.)

Returns, exchanges, cancellations, etc.

Shipping fee for returned goods: In case of damage or initial failure, we will bear the shipping fee, and in case of customer's convenience, please bear the shipping fee.

See the Delivery and Refunds page for more information.

Shipping fee for returned goods: In case of damage or initial failure, we will bear the shipping fee, and in case of customer's convenience, please bear the shipping fee.

See the Delivery and Refunds page for more information.

Allergies etc.

We only sell products that meet EU food standards. All ingredient names listed are listed, and may include foods that can cause allergies. If you have allergies, please check the raw materials and purchase at your own risk.

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